CCTV Regulations

CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) is used for prevention, detection and investigation of crime, such as burglary, misconduct, murder, manslaughter, anti-social behaviour and more.

There are many regulations CCTV operators have to adhere to when monitoring public areas, such as the targeting of various sub-groups such as young, working-class black males, as they can often be targeted by the law who believe them to be cause of anti-social behaviour.

Before installing a CCTV camera, its purpose needs to be defined in order to comply with the First Data Protection Principle. The Person(s) or organisation ultimately has to state the reasons by documenting and registering them with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.

CCTV images can be shown to witnesses in order to gain an identity of a suspect and their statement can ultimately be used in court.

However, CCTV operations have no regulation when it comes to the disclosure of images to third parties such as the media. However, courts do recommend that appropriate CCTV footage is given to the media due to the content, as this may result in images that may leave many citizens shocked or disturbed. Information should only be given to the media when it relates to a criminal case that may require the public’s assistance.

There are many issues when it comes to the protection of an individual’s civil rights, and many people believe this to be a breach of their freedom. Therefore, CCTV regulation states that when a CCTV system is in operation, a sign is required to inform the public they are being filmed; these images have to legible and visible and the size of the sign will vary according to the camera’s location.

Images should not be retained longer than necessary; therefore they should be erased or stored away for the purposes of criminal evidence only.